my face! What heaven! I did ask if she had any other male cus- tomers and she indicated that she had a few.
But to go back to the night when my wife returned ahead of me, I had gone to bed and awoke to more recriminations from my wife. I then informed her that I did not want to quit my crossdressing at all and had decided to do through any female experience that I wanted to have from then on. She cried and said that I was a failure as a husband and that I had spoiled her life and that Imight get arrested and lose my job. She said that she had been crazy to stand my transvestism for so long and not leave me. She felt that she was still young and desirable and maybe she should leave and go live with another man but she wouldn't because all men were visious,etc. We did not talk to each other for a week thereafter. I realized that I had hurt her with my crossdressing but also realized that I just couldn't stop. After all, I was doing nothing evil. I didn't cheat on my wife and Itried to be a good provider to her.
Fortunately, I saw an ad about Chevalier Publications and wrote for information. In due time a letter came and I ordered a copy of TRANSVESTIA. I enjoyed the stories and the articles very much.
Those writers of the articles in that issue of TRANSVESTIA were my first "friends" in my new life and I will always be ap- preceative to them for their stories and articles. Until this time I had never done much for others and I now regretted it. I even wrote a few articles and sent them to the magazine, hoping that someone would benefit from my experience. I was certainly in agreement with what I read concerning transvestism through the pages of my newly found magazine.
How much I changed in the next several weeks I cannot say. But during this time I did not dress but spent much of my time in reading TVIA. This brought me the peace of mind that I had been wanting as well as understanding from people who were like me. I have now located anumber of new friends - all of them sweet and gentle people. Somehow, peace has been restored in our house and we now get along rather well. I love her even more than before and I try to be as kind as possible to her. Now I am always